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How is people Making Money Online

Hi! and Welcome to my site, here you will learn everything you need to know to starts making money online. But before I want you to think about one thing, the things that I can't provide, the things that nobody will ever be able to provide to you, in order to succeed you really need to win your firsts battle with your self, you have to believe in you and in your dreams, you have to commit to your goals, visualize, make a plan and take action, and never give up.

Interest fact : that's the harder part, that's why so many gurus make so much money "Teaching" something nobody can learn.

Many research shows an amazing result : %96 of the people who want to make money online, never get even $1 ( and this goes both for those who jump into the free methods as for those who choose the paid path, we will go deeper into this later on at this site and yes, there are free methods to make money online that works! ).

So, How is people doing Making Money Online?

the answer to this question will shock you, there are as many ways as minds thinking about it! If you are lucking for a method, true is it will be very hard for you to find one method to copy and paste and start making thousands of dollars over night. Now don't get me wrong, we will discus and show example "methods" here but the main idea here is to truly success, and to do that you need to change your point of view about stuff like : methods.

There are many types of methods ( free and paid ) we'll talk about em later on, but remember you are not lucking for a "3 steps plan" not even a "120 steps" one, you are lucking for opportunity, opportunity is always there, but it will be invisible for your eyes unless you have the knowledge and the tools to see through the smoke and take action.

So people is Making Money online in various ways, but we could create big groups and say:

1- Blogs.

2- Sites.

3- Lists.

At the same time, we have publishers and advertisers ( affiliates) .

So someone creates a blog called "best cakes recipes" because he is searching for the ultimate cake recipe and he loves to share recipes with friends and their friends love his cakes.

So the owner of the site has now what is know as "traffic", but now he needs a way to earn money from that traffic. I here when he chooses if he will be publisher or advertiser (affiliate).

So if he chooses to:

- Become a publisher : he will then create a product, like an ebook, or a video tutorial, something nice and professional, value content to sell it to that traffic, because they already love cakes, they want recipes they are already interested in the subject. ( Now how to sell its a whole other topic, of course in this post I want so simplify everything as much as I can ).

- You can also become your product, investing your time in return for money, offer you services in sites like fiveer or join a consumers research company and get paid for doing thing like using their search bar stead of google or taking surveys for a compensation ( Yes, there are many people earning money this way, you need to know if you choose this method you won't earn $10000s but this is great for beginners since allows you to earn $100s a month , money you can use to invest in your business or just to earn some extra cash )

- Become an advertiser ( affiliate):

- Advertiser through banners display: companies like Adsense will pay you for each click you send em trough Ad links in your site. This is one of the most basics ways of monetize a web site or a blog. You just need to copy the codes the companies provides for the different banners to display wherever you want in your site, and this Ads will be also targeted to your market, this being the recipe market, google knows what is your site about and shows relevant Ads to attract your visitors, and for each click they make in those ads you get paid $0.10 up to $2.00 or even more, it all depends where that click came from, being the most highly paid countries : Unite Estates, Unite Kingdome, Canada, Australia and some others.

-Advertiser as Affiliate: you can become an affiliate and sell other people's products to get a commission for each sale. You may haven't notice it, but almost every business online out there has an affiliate system you can join and start earning money from your traffic by selling products listed in Amazon or remember that "best cake recipes" ebook and video tutorials? I bet someone already has that product and you can become an affiliate and sell it to your public just by getting your personal and unique tracking link to promote the product.

-Lists: and finally we couldn't talk about making money online and not mention the "list" concept, if you do the right things you can make a lot of money from your list, but, what is a list? Lets say stead of promoting any product in you "best cake recipes" site you decided to just add an opt in form, a way to allow people to get easily in contact with you, in this form they would put their email, and their email would go to your list, then you could send them the product, the offer or the service you want to promote.

So you know those persons are interested in the subject, they entered their email so you can send em relevant information, so for example, whenever you create a new recipe you can send it directly to your followers! They will love to get that and at the end of the month you could put em all in an ebook and sell it as a mini product, this is an example of course, lets say you charge $5 for that ebook, you would be surprise of how many sales you can generate from something like this...and the best part is, you still have their email and as they share all your content you will get more emails day after day!

Final Thoughts : Of course there are many many MANY more ways to earn money online, so remember not to lose the big picture here, there is money to be made online and you can do it, if you put your heart and your mind on it, you fight for your goals, you keep pushing no matter how many times you fell you get up, then you will succeed no matter what "method" you choose, we will analyze some of this "methods" in the next post so don't miss that! thanks for reading and see you next time!

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